أثر استخدام استراتيجيات التعليم المتمايز فى تدريس التاريخ على تنمية مهارت حل المشکلات وقيم قبول الاخر لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الاعدادية

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية التربية – جامعة طنطا


Using effect of differentiated instruction strategies in teaching
history for developing the problems solving skills and values
acceptance of others among preparatory school pupils

This research aimed to develop the problems solving skills and values Acceptance of
others among prep-school pupils by using some differentiated instruction strategies in
teaching history . the research sample consisted of (35) pupils among the second – grade
prep stage pupils . The research tools was a test to measure some skills of problems
solving and a test situations to measure some values of acceptance of others among the
second – grade prep stage pupils . The research tools were conducted as pre –
application and post application . The research results showed that there was a statistically
significant difference at the level of ( a0.01  ) between the group experimental scores
means in the pre-and post – application in two exams of problems solving skills and
values of acceptance others for post . application . This means that teaching history by
using differentiated instruction strategies was impact in developing some skills of problems
solving and values of acceptance others among the second – grade – prep stage pupils .

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